14 December 2011

Tis the season...

For being sick. Everyone is feeling completely run down lately. The humidifier has gone from one room to another depending on who has the worst cough. It started in Beckhams room while we had pneumonia, then into Rhys's to help prevent his cold to turning into it. Now they both have the thickest green snot I have ever seen and Beckhams viral infection has spread into his eye, meaning big eye boogers. Not to mention they had become slightly nocturnal the last few weeks and were both getting up twice a night, at different times. I am tired. Let's just hope we kick this cold and the new sleep habits before we head to Cali.


1 comment:

Megan and Greg said...

Ah, I'm sorry. Losing sleep is the absolute worst. It makes everything else much more magnified, in a very bad way. Hope it goes away soon!