08 January 2010

Rhys Update

These have been the best 8 1/2 months!! Rhys is getting so big and fun, every day is better than the last. Its amazing how much they change daily, and there is no place I would rather be than here watching it happen. Heres what its like living with this kiddo.

  • Hes crawling... everywhere. He favorite place to go is where ever koda is, where ever her toys are, or over to the heater because its got a glowing red fo-fire that catches his eye.

  • His favorite toys are Koda's, and this wooden car his great granma gave him for christmas.

  • he has 3 teeth, the 2 middle bottom, and one on the top next to his front teeth (I clearly do not know what they are called) and hes working on 3 more.

  • His sleeping has been pretty horrible! Im really bummed because he was sleeping so well at about 4 months and it lasted until his teeth started coming in, and now, only getting up once a night is a HUGE blessing! ugh! But he will sleep a total of 12 hours, so I guess it could be worse.
  • He has figured out being funny and has the cutest laugh ever.

  • He can eat and oh how he loves to! He loves carrots, pears, apples, peaches, peas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, bananas, cheerios, puffs, bread, blueberry, yogurt, potatoes, juice, water and anything else you put in front of him.

  • He is getting down to only 1 nap per day, and goes to bed everynight by 8 with out a fuss. (is this to early to be at 1 nap???)

  • He loves riding in the car, and where that used to put him right to sleep, he now loves to look at all the things passing by in the windows.
  • He discovered his own voice, and likes to let you know he is here!
  • He loves watching football with daddy, thats probably the only time he is quiet and still.

  • He is still the biggest snuggle bug ever. He loves to be held, hugged, kissed, and he will just snuggle up to you.
  • he has to touch and explore everything with his big old sausage fingers!

  • the best part of our day is in the morning when he wakes up and we just lay together for like 30 minutes having "pillow talk." There is no better way to start a day!!


ChrisnDave said...

Sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeet, what a cutie. Bring him out here to play sometime soon!

The Thomas Kidlets said...

when was he born? madi will be 9 months on the 14th of this month and we are going through the same things with her! she pulled herself to stand today, awesome! she is still at 2 naps...up at 7:30am, nap at 10, nap at 3 and bed at 8. every kid is different, maybe he just doesn't need it anymore. he is stinking CUTE!!!

Stephanie said...

I love it! What a sweetie! Brendan was a snuggler and I absolutely loved it. :) Sounds like he's doing well - you're a great mom!

dillon and kim said...

I'm so glad you said hi. I've peeked in on you guys a few times since I found out you were expecting, how funny. Your little guy is so so cute, he is like a mini me of your hubby. I would've traded living in NY for Austrailia any day!