17 April 2012

What happened to March....

Every now and then, it seems like I blink and an entire month has passed. That was March.  We did stuff, I swear. But somehow, I dont hardly have any pictures until the last week.

That was a like a week ago, and now Im thinking, What happened to April? I can believe its Rhys's birthday on Friday and my birthday next week. Wow. I wish I could say that we have just been so busy that I havent had time to blog, but that is not the case. I have almost had too much time, that I dont get as much done. Weird, I know, but thats what happens. Anyways. a big update is in order, I believe.


We went to the zoo a couple times which was super fun.

Then, the day before we flew out to Cali, it snowed about 4 inches! Just the perfect time to leave, I think. But it was nice to have a snow day at home

Next day we made Rhys's day by going to the airport, riding a bus, flying on an airplane.  Both boys are crazy about things that move.

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