01 September 2011

[Photo Challenge] Day 1

Self Portrait
This is what I picked. Originally I thought it would be cool to take one and only shot each day and see how it goes. That went out the window after I saw the first picture. And I picked this onefor a couple reasons. 1. Its sunny. And I love to be outside when its sunny. This happens to be druing my boys afternoon naps, and I like to go read my book outside, in peace, to soak up the last bit of summer. 2. Its not great. I figure it can only go up from here.


Mari said...

Ha ha, one and only one picture. That would have been an awesome/hilarious idea. Too bad it didn't work out for you.
And I love reading outside in the sun while Logan naps! It's the best.
p.s. we're actually doing the challenge, yay!

Katie said...

Love it! If it was only one picture then I would totally fake it and take a bunch - especially on the self portraits hahahaha :)